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Defense and National Security Solutions

Meet the Guardian Six Team
The Guardian Six team, led by Brigadier General John Adams (U.S. Army, Ret.) has decades of experience in military service, the defense business world, and academia. In addition, Guardian Six can draw on the expertise of a broad and diverse network of professionals and senior retired military officials to meet the needs of your business or organization.
John Adams founded Guardian Six following more than thirty years on active duty with the U.S. Army, in a variety of command and staff assignments worldwide, culminating in assignment as Deputy United States Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee from 2005 to 2007. His expertise includes defense policy, strategy, intelligence, civil-military relations, interagency coordination, and aviation. As an Army Foreign Area Officer, intelligence officer, and aviator, he has more than a decade of senior-level political-military experience in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and two assignments in the Pentagon (Army Staff and Office of the Secretary of Defense). He is a graduate of North Carolina State University and a former faculty member at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He holds graduate degrees in International Relations from Boston University, English from the University of Massachusetts, and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College.
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Laura K. Magan, MD, is a board-certified internal medicine physician with a passion for providing care for our Veterans. She has 22 years of experience as a physician, both in primary care and as a hospitalist. With more than ten years of specialization in Veterans' care, she currently works with a VA-contracted facility performing separation exams on Veterans leaving their service after proudly serving our country. She earned her Medical Doctorate at the University of Cincinnati in 1999 and completed her internship/internal medicine residency in 2002 at the University of Arizona. She has more than eight years experience in management and leadership in the hospital setting and will spearhead our expansion into the Veterans' health and well-being space.
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Ron Chewning brings to Guardian Six over 20 years of highly successful executive sales management, B2B and direct sales, business development and government programs leadership. He has a vast range of experience with disparate technologies ranging from computer hardware/software and networking, wireless data, cellular telecommunications, power generation and alternative energy, lithium-ion batteries and energy storage systems and nano-structured advanced high strength steel. His commercial experience has been with small and medium sized businesses and Fortune 500 companies. And he has the added distinction of having worked in both purely commercial sales and marketing positions and in government sales and business development positions as well.
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Joshua Cohen serves as Guardian Six Defense Market Advisor.
He previously served as managing editor, USNI Military Database, and associate editor for Inside the Navy.
In addition to Guardian Six responsibilities, Josh is owner of Champlain Analytical Partners, LLC, a consulting firm located in Shelburne, Vermont.
Josh manages market research, intelligence studies, and needs analysis for commercial and defense concerns.
He served in the US Marine Corps as an armored vehicle crewman in 2nd Tank Battalion, 2nd Marine Division on an M-60A1 main battle tank.
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Keith A. Grant received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Arizona's School of Government and Public Policy in 2010, prior to spending two years with the Departments of Political Science and International Relations at Bucknell University. Dr. Grant's primary research interests lie at the intersection of international security and global governance, where he focuses on how latent, structural features of the international system influence the behavior and security of states. Dr. Grant's most recent scholarship includes the (co-edited) book Major Powers and the Quest for Status in International Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), "Outsourcing Security: Alliance Portfolio Size, Capability, and Reliability," (forthcoming in International Studies Quarterly), and "Intervention in Conflicts from a Network Perspective," (forthcoming in Conflict Management and Peace Science).
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Bob Nugent is a Senior Defense Business Strategy Advisor to Guardian Six. Bob consults on defense, naval, maritime, C4/ISR, aerospace, and unmanned systems markets. His skill sets include strategic planning; competitive assessment; business development and capture; defense systems, tactics, and platform analysis; and market and risk research.
Bob’s 22 year career as a naval intelligence officer included duty on the U.S. Navy staff in London, Assistant Naval Attache at the US Embassy in Moscow, operational billets afloat with aviation and expeditionary units as well as analytic and watch officer assignments in Hawaii, South Korea, and Japan. His last Navy position was as Director of Command and Control programs overseeing Navy C4ISR procurements for the Navy acquisition staff in the Pentagon. Bob earned undergraduate degrees at New Mexico State University and attended the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and Defense Language Institute. He graduated with distinction from the U.S. Naval War College in 2004 and received an M.B.A with honors from Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia in 2007
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